A Charleston Photographer’s Perspective: Objects In Motion Tend To…

by:  Jason Bennett

Newton’s first law of motion says that an object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest.  Otherwise referred to as inertia.  OK, sorry, enough physics for today.  I bring this up because in photography, we can represent motion by manipulating the shutter speed to show motion blur.  The amount of blur is determined by how long the shutter is open.

A very fast shutter speed will freeze motion.And a very slow shutter speed will capture more than a single moment in time, it will capture many moments and show them as a single image.  Thus creating motion blur.

Keep this in mind when taking your next picture.  Objects in motion can often be more interesting when captured that way. 

So when it comes to capturing a moment, remember Isaac Newton’s laws of motion and incorporate a little motion in your art.

About docent~prodigy video photography charleston

Docent Prodigy is a video and photography company based in Charleston, SC. We have over 25 years combined experience. Visit our website to view samples of our work at www.docentprodigy.com.
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3 Responses to A Charleston Photographer’s Perspective: Objects In Motion Tend To…

  1. Totally in love with the shoreline pics… I’m VERY much an amateur with photography… so this question is probably silly, but for those slow shutter speed pics to show an object in motion, do you need a tripod? I have one but GOSH I hate lugging it around… Canon DSLR 20D (old school, i know) is big enough!

  2. Dennise Cheyne says:

    Unless you will make a profession for your self in pure mathematics research, GOFM at this time
    is just an amazingly highly effective instrument for acquiring one of an important cognitive capacities within the 21st century: mathematical thinking https://math-problem-solver.com/ .
    Newton received his diploma in August 1665.

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