Story Of The Logo

In the centuries prior to ours, a farmer would carry his goods to market to sell in an effort to provide for his family.  He would transport these goods in a basket.  At some point his son would become old enough to make the journey with him to town.  Thus would begin the training and shifting of responsibility from father to son.

When the son was very young and unable to carry the heavy load, the father would choose a rod to run through the basket handle so that both father and son could carry the goods.  But because the son was not strong enough yet to bear the burden equally, the farmer would slide the basket very close to himself so that almost all the weight would be on his end of the rod.

As time went on and the son grew stronger and the father grew older, the basket would slowly, over the years, slide toward the son.  Eventually, when the son was a man, the weight would be carried almost entirely by the son.  Not only did the burden of the basket move during this time, but also the burden of responsibility.  So it is with the theme of Docent Prodigy.  The experience of one combined with the imagination of another results in the creativity of both.

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