A Charleston Photographer’s Perspective: Don’t Stand There

by:  Jason Bennett

Many years ago when I was a technical director/director for broadcast news, I was approached by a rookie videographer asking for advice.  Because I worked behind the scenes back at the station and not out in the field, I had a unique perspective of the video that was being gathered.

He asked, “What is the main thing that can separate me from all other shooters?”  I pondered a minute and said, “When you get to a location that you want to shoot, pick a spot, then don’t stand there!”

What did I mean? Well, it’s kinda simple really.  The spot you first choose – the obvious one – is where every other shooter will choose.  It is usually the place that is the most uninteresting.  Work a little harder for a unique perspective.  It seems trivial, but will pay off big in the long run.

These photos were taken by our son while being taught this philosophy.  I think he may understand.

I have always tried to be curious, original, and unique; and abide by a single rule:  See things from a place that other people can’t, don’t or won’t and you will truly have a unique perspective that can be shared with the world.

About docent~prodigy video photography charleston

Docent Prodigy is a video and photography company based in Charleston, SC. We have over 25 years combined experience. Visit our website to view samples of our work at www.docentprodigy.com.
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