How Video Helps Non-Profit Organizations

There are many respectable non-profits here in the Lowcountry.   Docent Prodigy is lucky to have had the opportunity to work with many of those wonderful organizations.  It is with this experience that we can offer the following suggestions:

WEB VIDEO: The first is in the form of an informational video that is posted online and used as a portal into the world of the cause.  This tells the audience what the organization does to better the community and how they can help support the cause year round.

EVENT PSA: This is a 15-30 second commercial that tells viewers about an upcoming event that your organization is hosting or sponsoring.  It is time-sensitive and should be broadcast and/or marketed on the web heavily prior to the event.

GENERIC PSA: This may be the most important of all your video presentations.  It can be aired on television and posted on the web year-round.  Because it will be in front of more eyes for a longer period of time, it needs to be well produced and high in quality.

FUNDRAISER PRESENTATION: Most non-profits have an annual fundraiser event to bring awareness and raise funds that help the organization survive.  This is a prime opportunity to make the biggest impression on donors.  In your video, you can have testimonials from the people who benefit from the program, tell about the organization, and present a call to action to donors.

Never turn down an opportunity to use visual stimulation to tug on the heartstrings of donors.  They are supporting your cause for a reason and want to know that their support is going to impact their community in a huge way.  Showing them exactly how that will happen is the best way to win their trust.

Not only can video help get support; it can encourage community members to participate in your programs, and for many non-profits here in the Lowcountry, that means saving lives.

An example of a Non-Profit Informational Web Video can be seen here:

Charleston Animal Society Animal Enrichment Program

About docent~prodigy video photography charleston

Docent Prodigy is a video and photography company based in Charleston, SC. We have over 25 years combined experience. Visit our website to view samples of our work at
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