The Wonderful World of Webmercials

Let’s face it. The world is speeding by on the World Wide Web. Business owners are busy running their business in the down economy and need low cost and simple ways to market their services.

Introducing: The Webmercial.

Webmercials are an inexpensive way to target your audience. They serve the same purpose as a television commercial, without the added costs of a television air buy. You can also target your audience more effectively by posting the video to your website, placing it on your Facebook page (where you already have fans), and link it to sites that you know your prospects are visiting. The costs associated with posting to these sites are minimal and in most cases, free. I don’t know about you, but FREE is my favorite four-letter word!

In your webmercial, you can showcase your business, and there is no time limit. Your webmercial can feature testimonials from happy customers, give prospective customers a sneak peek of your store, and bring customers back with deals showcased in your webmercial.

So, to sum it up, webmercials:

  • are inexpensive to produce
  • can be placed most anywhere on the web
  • are easy to promote through blogs, facebook, twitter, etc. and your own website
  • provide the same benefits of a television commercial
  • target your audience more specifically

About docent~prodigy video photography charleston

Docent Prodigy is a video and photography company based in Charleston, SC. We have over 25 years combined experience. Visit our website to view samples of our work at
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